We are Non-Profit Foundation formed for Charity Work.

About Us

Our NGO, The Our Hand For Help Foundation, is consistently working for those among us who are not blessed with the amenities we often take for granted. Our beneficiaries include the poor, orphaned children, old people abandoned by their households, and the physically and mentally challenged. Our organization also works in spreading awareness about their frugal quality of life and the immense hardships they go through just to go about their daily activities. The organization was founded on 26áµ—Ê

About Us

Our Hand For Help foundation is a secular, non-political, non-governmental and non-profitable, registered charitable Society. Our activities include working for Run Free Education and providing hospitality, food, and clothing to the children who live below the poverty line and also for orphanages, and old age homes. We are also working actively for the elimination of child labor. 
This is only but a brief account of some of our activities. We are a group of people working with immense motivation towards a common social goal. Tour the site for a descriptive account of all our activities.


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